Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nothing To Lose

Greetings and welcome to my first post on my first blog!  I have all of one follower (Hi Cheryl!) and that is OK.  I've tossed around the idea of blogging for a while now but didn't really know what to say.  I know that people blog for different reasons so I searched for my reason. 

In high school, I hated to write anything that wasn't a note to a friend (and that got me almost beat up one day but that is another story for a different time!)  I was more of a math girl.  Love me some algebra!  The dislike of writing followed me into adulthood until the birth of my third child, Melia.  Two months before Melia was born,  she was diagnosed with a rare and complex congenital heart defect.  I felt as if I were sitting inside of a video game as I listened to the pediatric cardiologist go into great detail of the half a heart that Melia would be born with and of the surgeries and procedures that she would need.  My life and who I was changed that day. 

With all of the drama that surrounded the choices we had to make and the trauma of giving birth to a very sick child, I quickly realized that I needed an outlet.  I set up a CarePage in order to keep family and friends up to date with all that was going on.  My first posts were probably mostly jumbled thoughts and random things because I was still in shock.  Once I got going, though, I found comfort in updating the CarePage.  It was very therapeutic for me to write about what was going on with Melia and how I felt about it. 

I recently realized that I enjoy writing about what I am passionate about, like our heart journey with Melia.  So this blog will be filled with whatever I am feeling particularly passionate about at the moment.  Product reviews, recipes, cute kid stories, homeschooling things, what makes me happy and sad, my walk with God, whatever I need to get out will end up here.  It doesn't matter if I have 1 reader or 1000, my heart is full and this is its outlet.

I couldn't end without posting a picture or video!  This is Melia talking about what she thinks would be a funny April Fool's joke to play on her dad.
In case you couldn't understand her, she wants to get something shaped like an apple, paint it red and give it to her daddy!


  1. Love it!! You are a natural writer!! I pray this blog will bless you and all of those who run across it!! Love you sweet friend!!

  2. You ARE a writer, and I love reading about your journey. You have much to be passionate about, and it shows in your writing! You GO, lady!

  3. what a great blog name and concept. I really hadn't had the full story about Melia. Just heard bits and peices over the past few months on FB. So glad to read your thoughts. Really well done.

  4. Thanks for sharing your heart, Karen! I look forward to following your blog. Blessings, Sweet Friend! Sharon
