Tuesday, February 22, 2011

It's The Little Things

40 years ago my mom and dad got married in San Antonio, Texas.  While they have faced lots of ups and downs over the years, they are still together and are still in love!  We should all be so lucky.

I have been thinking lately about how it is the little things that make a big difference.  Don't get me wrong.  I love a big surprise or gift!  But if I look back on the things that have brought me the most happiness and joy, 9 times out of 10 it's something seemingly small.  The bookmark my 5-year-old made me because she knows how much  I love to read.  The invitation from my 8-year, after tasting my homemade brownies, to work in the restaurant he wants to have when he grows up.  A fun evening spent with friends I dearly love.  You can't put a price on these things and no amount of money in the world can buy moments like these. 

Recently my husband, Myk, and I were out on a date.  After a lovely dinner, we ended up where everybody in our small town ends up...Wal-Mart.  We had been contemplating purchasing a certain item for a while and we had decided to go for it.  We were so giddy going into the store to buy it and even more excited to get home and put it up.  We had first seen this thing during hotel stays over the last few years and knew that we had to eventually have one.  I am pleased to say that we have been using it for a little over a week now and it totally rocks!  Curious?  Scroll down to see a picture of.......

.....our new curved shower rod!!  As you can see, I wasn't kidding when I said it was the little things that make me happy!


  1. Love it!! I want one of those one day!! We fought hard against the grain Monday when we did not go to Wal-Mart!! Love you and hope to see you soon!!

  2. Very fun! I agree w/the little things meaning so much! I have always wanted one of those shower rods too! Maybe one day that's what I keep saying!
